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First published in 1959, the Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India (JMBAI) is
a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publishing original research and invited review
articles across all areas of marine science.
The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India publishes original contributions in
marine biology, including marine fisheries, mariculture, oceanography, climate, socio-
economics, and livelihoods. The journal covers diverse topics such as marine plankton,
nekton, benthos, corals, and coral reefs; ecology, zoogeography, and systematics; primary
production and experimental ecosystem studies, including energy flow at different trophic
levels; population dynamics, stock assessment, and theoretical models; matter recycling and
the influence of environmental and climate factors; genetics, marine microbiology, and
biotechnology; propagation of cultivable species; biology of fishes, marine reptiles, seabirds,
and mammals. Additionally, it includes studies on the physical, chemical, geological, and
meteorological features of marine environments, environmental impacts due to pollution,
marine engineering, underwater observations, and conservation of living resources. The
journal also welcomes contributions on modifications in methodology and techniques, the
development of new apparatus related to marine sciences, and any emerging areas in marine
PDF copies of papers of all volumes since 1959 can be downloaded for free
The Marine Biological Association of India
PB No. 1604, CMFRI Campus,
Kochi-682 018, Kerala State, India
Tel : +91 484 2394420, 2394867
Fax : +91 484 2394909
Email : mail@mbai.org.in
The Marine Biological Association of India
C/o Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI
Marine Fisheries P. O, Mandapam Camp,
Ramanathapuram District,
Tamil Nadu- 623 520
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