Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

MSY levels for some commercially important exploitable fish resources of North Coast of Karnataka, India.

Volume 36 Issue 1&2

M. H. Dhulkhed and G. G. Annigeri


In the northern Karnataka Coast, oilsardine and mackerel form the most important pelagic fish resources thus guiding the economic sustenance of fishermen of this region. The introduction of purse seines in the mid-seventies, resulted in the boosting of catches of oilsardine and mackerel, but also the existence of new resources like anchovies, carangids, catfishes, etc. come in the operational ambit of this gear which remained untapped hitherto by the traditional gears. Of late, it is feared that some of these resources are being subjected to fishing pressure which requires an urgent need for their assessment to make judicious approach as to their further exploitation. Studies have indicated that there is an imperative need for restricting further increase in the fishing effort, since they indicated negative relation in terms of effort. On the other hand, anchovies, carangids and catfishes manifested direct relation between the abundance and effort expended showing better prospects for their further exploitation. The critical levels of input of effort in unit days of fishing for oilsaidine, lesser sardines, mackerel, anchovies and carangids are 5306, 3332, 3885, 6589 and 2812 respectively and the corresponding MSY level being 3632 t, 1117 t, 1362 t, 54 t and 84 t.

Date : 30-12-1994

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